Saturday: The Trek ride this week was a new adventure. The starting point was the same as our Great Western ride which is Rancho San Diego. It's south of the 8 freeway and east from downtown. However, the ride was much different.
We rate rides in the Trek Century program from 1 to 4. 1 is the easiest and 4 is darn right eye straining. Brent Smith, pictured left, has been doing the rating. As you can tell by his stature he likes to climb. This one he rated as a 3. With over 4200 feet of climbing in 55 miles, I'm recommending we raise it to a 4.
The day started out great. There was cloud cover and the temperature was pleasant in the lower 80s. I was leading the B plus group this weekend along with Bruce Smith and as we headed up our first climb I kept the pace easy so we wouldn't blow all our energy at the start. As we rolled threw the valley and open areas there were a lot of comments of how pretty it was out there. That attitude would change quickly.
The hardest part was a climb of over 6 miles towards the end of the ride. It was at mile 34 and didn't end until mile 40 the summit. The group broke up by this point in the ride and as I rode up I passed people stopping in the shade to catch a breath . The sun had come out by now and temperatures where up in the 90s.
Our Ride Guides were troopers though. By the time I got back Bruce Smith, Brent Smith and some of the riders drove back to the course checking on people. They took about 5 people off who were just struggling on Honey Springs. No need to injure yourself. It's just a ride.
All in all a good ride but...I think we need to upgrade it to a 4.
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