Yesterday brought another elimination in the XX 1090 Scott & BR Radio Team challenge. Greg Ramos was selected by the judges which again...we are unsure of who they are. Friendships have been created in this ever decreasing group and like anything in life you want friends to see success. I was sorry to see Greg or any of the team go but it is a part of the contest. Who will be next as we head further into our training and closer to our event in Oct...? Keep watching!
It's become a bit nerve racking for some each Tuesday morning as we huddle around the radio to hear the news. There are some guidelines for us but those are really at a high level. Winning immunity is important and can help, but I think the most important factor is talking about CAF, becoming a part of the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge, and promoting the organization and event to as many people as possible. Bottom line is this is about raising funds to help physically disable people. The event and the challenge are means to that end.
Let's SPIN:
Today is Wed and this morning I got up early, 5:00 AM, fed the pets, had something to eat myself, did some work and started to head to SPIN by 6:15 AM. Parking on the street is easy but I had to find an opening a block further down the road from the club. No big deal. I was first into the room which is normal for me. I like to get there 15 minutes or more before the start for a warm up.
Soon others arrive, Chris for CAF, Mike from Qualcomm, Brent, Scott, Kavon (I may have spelled his name wrong) and a few others. Chris our normal instructor was replaced with Jessica. She explained that they both share the class but she had been out with injury for a month.
I take a spot up front right next to the instructor. Only a few will join me there like Kavon. He's one of my motivation factors. He puts out a lot of watts when he SPINs. This provides competition and we seem to feed off each other. When I pick up the spin so does he. That's what makes it fun and challenging.
It was a good hard workout but not as intense as usual. Personally I held back some on various exercises. My body is adapting to the constant push but I'm also regulating the intensity so as not to burn myself out. I've already hit the higher end of that scale this week so going to 85% isn't a bad idea.
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