Today was all about an easy ride with friends over 40 miles. Before we began there were some announcements and special awards given out to participants for improvement. For the radio team the next immunity was give and it went to Kevin Heil for answering the most questions right. Each person who receives the immunity pump is required to add something to it. Last weeks winner, Carl Gregory, did a great job by painting it red and adding a skull to the top.
I did bring along the helmet cam and also took some pictures before and after our ride. Attached is a picture of me with Mike, the lottery winner from Qualcomm, and myself in the new jersey. We received replacement jerseys today that incorporate the blue and gold theme. Blue in the past indicated we were part of the radio team. Now we are a part of the regular team as well.
I've downloading one video and will post some more as I progress with this blog. I have to work on formating so they can be viewed easy. Also, I will adjust the camera to get better shots. I pointed it too low on my helmet during this ride.
The rest of this week is pretty mellow with SPIN class on Wed and a talk at the Trek store on Thursday evening. I'll get some riding in this week but will keep it to low intensity. My niece is visiting from Ohio and I want to spend as much time as possible with her while she's here.
One last note. A rider from last years contest had a black eye. Below is that shot with a close up. Didn't get the story on how this happened.
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