Sunday: Yesterday was a fast paced ride up the coast from Fletcher Cove to San Clemente and back with a total of 82 miles. It was a perfect day for the ride. Nice temperature, a little over cast and good spirits in group 2.
There was no immunity challenge this week but instead the radio contestants where given a slip of paper and asked to write two names on it of people we think should be eliminated. Now how do you you write down names of those who could win or of those you think might not make it. Check out The Scott & BR show Tuesday morning between 6:30 and 7:00. If you have Internet access and your office allows it you can tune in via the web connection.
We are half way there to the goal of $1,000,000 in funds for the Qualcomm Million
The Ride: I was again feeling a bit of stiffness in my muscles Sunday morning after the Trek ride on Saturday of 75 miles and 4000 feet of climbing. But after a few miles on the road at a medium pace t
Now my legs where feeling the love. What I've learned over the years is that if you stay towards the front I often will work less than in the back. Gaps often open in the back which causes a lot more surging which in the end burns up a lot of energy.
By the time we reached our turn around point in San Clemente a
On the way back there was a small crash as one of riders hit a patch of sand on a corner in the park just south of the nuclear plant. She feel but was uninjured however there was huge gash in her tire. Fortunately someone had a tire boot, a 2 inch piece of tire, to put on top of the tube inside the tire. Old trick but works well.
As we headed back into the Marine base the group broke up some as the pace picked up again. I still had some juice left and pulled a piece in spots and feel back a few times to pace one two riders back into the pack. Bryon has a Time Trail event next weekend at Fiesta Island so I think he was putting the final touches on his training. It was good practice for our group.
Great ride, getting stronger and I'm close to the $10,000 goal at just over $7700. Still can use your help
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