They brought on Jim last years winner who has been facilitating the tests and immunity challenge. I've got to say, Jim is one of the nicest guys I have ever met and that is truly a part of his personality. On the ride this past week I saw him with one other person, MoMo, while heading back to Fletcher Cove. He thinks nothing of stopping to help others. He's the perfect example of what this whole thing is all about.
Anyway, Jim explained that we were each given a piece of paper and asked to write down two names of those we think should be eliminated. Scott then brought onto the radio... Sam and Kevin
Sam is a really cool guy. I talked about him early in my blog as the rider who did a 12 hour Mountain Bike race and with only 5 hours of sleep after a long drive home came out the next day to ride the Scripps Poway Parkway route in hot temperatures. That's dedication! Sam broke his finger a few weeks back while body surfing and didn't ride a few Sundays. However, he was out there often to see the team off.
Kevin won immunity on two different occasions early on in the competition. My wife and I bumped into him at Costco this past week and we chatted for a few minutes. Kevin has a warm personality and just seeing him makes you want to smile.
Both indicated they will still be coming out to the rides. That is the other cool part about this contest. Even if you are eliminated from the radio competition you can still come out and train with the team. Add in some fund raising and you still can ride the event in Oct.
I was sorry to hear their names this morning. Both have put a lot of time and effort into this program. But I think they will still be out riding with us and maybe even pick up the fund raising to participate in the final event Oct 18-24. CAF is a fantastic organization providing support and help to physically disabled people.
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