Saturday was time with Trek and the new Century Training program which will culminate with the Tour de Poway in Oct. Bruce Milikin and his side kick, Darryl MacKenzie, where out completing a double century up in LA called the Grand Tour this past weekend. Bruce is running the Trek program and asked me to step in to help get things rolling on their second Trek ride while he was completing a mile stone in his life. Bruce is a Leukemia survivor, a wonderful friend and a great USCF Coach. He has brought all kinds of new ideas Trek training program.

The Challenged Athletes Foundation ride on Sunday was almost a replay of the day before but in the opposite direction up the coast to the other side of Camp Pendleton. A bit more distance as well, over 50 some miles.
Todd Northup was a guest Ride Leader in our group, Group 3. He normally will be in Group 2. Always a great guy to have along. I can never thank CAF and XX1090 enough for the friends I found in 2008. Todd and I met in that program and soon found kindred spirits with cycling and life. We both worked extremely hard on our event for that Radio Contest and gained a great deal of knowledge about each other in that process. I refer to him as MVBMF(My Very Best Man Friend) but I'm not sure I should be putting that out in a public blog. Oh, what the hell. He won't mind.
Next week elimination starts for the Radio Contestants in the XX1090 contest. We currently have 30 but after July 7th there will be 15. First cuts are hard but they just get harder after that.
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