June 1st - It's a new month. This year is really flying by fast. This past weekend we celebrated memorial day my wife and I. Both of us are X Army vets and were proud to have serve our country. My wife is a West Point graduate (Go Army Beat Navy), class of 84, and I was an enlisted man. How did that work you might ask? It's a whole another story.
That experience in our lives played a major part in how we view the world today. Some of our values where shaped in those years though we both were well into adulthood at the time. Responsibility, follow through, high standards, respect for others, etc where an intricate what the service imparted on us. Thank you Uncle Sam for the opportunity and privilege to serve.

On Sunday the XX1090 Radio Contestants met at
Solana Beach for our 2nd training ride. 14 of the 30 Radio Contestants where on hand. One guy, Happy Keller (that is his name), showed up even though his bicycle was on a truck heading to Tahoe. Happy is a very dedicated person. He is just finishing up a funding raising program with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (
LLS) Team in Training (TNT) cycling program and jumped right into the Radio Contest with
CAF. Next weekend he's going to ride a 100 mile course around Lake Tahoe after raising, I believe, over $3500 in funds to fight blood cancer. You wouldn't look at him and say, "...there is an slim and trim athlete". But to make an impact in the world and in this contest, you don't have to be. Showing up is half the battle.
Another one of the contestants, Tony Sciarrino, made it to mile 21 after some hard climbing for him. He was beat and let me know. I thought he was going to call his wife but instead he turned around and rode back putting in just over 35 miles. Though it wasn't the 50 mile course at least, again, he showed up and tried.
Opportunities in our journey may only happen once. What you do with those opportunities is not a right or wrong decision, it's just a fork in the road. But my experience has been if I take it on and look at it as a new adventure, my life is so much fuller because of that choice. My goal is to help the radio people see that opportunity and put every ounce of their heart and soul into being the possible winner.
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