Sunday, Oct 11th - What a great ride this past weekend. You could feel the

energy in the air as a huge crowd gathered for our final preparation before heading up to San Francisco next Friday. Mari was on hand with her little dog who often gets to go along. He's a cute little guy with a huge personality. Mari tries to bring him out to meet with the group a lot.

Fred took a moment to provide some inspiration. He talked about what happen to him and how in an instant his life changed when he was hit by a car and lost his legs. Then he talked about how later in an instant he was perceived as a disabled person when he was loaded up on a plane to go see his mother in Florida. And then a year later, when he was heading to a triathlon how he was now perceived as an athlete because of what we do at CAF. In an instant things can change.
We sometimes forget what this is all about and get caught up in our own lives but after Fred's talk it all came back. It's not just a ride or raising's really about affecting someone elses world. I've ridden by Fred many times and thought it's got to be a lonely road ahead for him. He doesn't have a huge group to ride with or someone to provide a draft. But when I see him at the end there is always a huge smile on his face. Life is about over coming obstacles and CAF provides a vehicle to help.
I snapped a picture of Adam at the end of our ride. He had helmet ha

ir not an uncommon occurrence when you have lots of locks. He's still riding the high of being selected as the winner of the XX1090 radio contest. I think I saw all of the final 7 at the ride this weekend. They looked very happy and excited about what's a head.
Next Saturday, Oct 17th, we start our final leg of the journey. It's been a different and yet wonderful experience for me.
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