Sunday 16 Aug - What a beautiful day for a ride. The weather was perfect with a high of 74 expected near the ocean and in Ramona, our turn around point, no more than 84. We couldn't have planned it better.

But first, Immunity for the xx1090 Radio Contestants. (By the way you can view their Pics and blogs by clicking the link for XX1090). Math skills were an important part of today's test. A clear container was filled with Accel Gel and the job of the contestants was to guess the number of calories. They had 5 minut
The winner was Patrick Thomas who missed the real count by only 270 calories. Great job Pat. He is immune from elimination this week and will be responsible for adding something special to the Immunity Pump. But, 2 people will be eliminated from the contest. Tune into XX1090, The Scott and BR Show, to hear who.
Onto the ride. We started in Flower Hill Mall and headed south to the 56 bike path where we turned east. At the top of the path we turned right on Black Mountain Rd and had a nice fast down hill to Mercey/Scripps Poway Parkway which we then took again heading east. This is really the base of the climbing of the day. We took that to the top where we had a chance to refuel and regroup at our 1st SAG stop. On the way up I had a flat and used both my spare tubes, Steve a radio contestant from last year along with Pat Thomas and Mark VanDierendonck, stopped to help.

We then took the 67 into Ramona, rode around the town and then took Highland Valley Rd back toward the coast. There is a screaming down hill in there where I hit 56 MPH on my new Trek Madone 6.9. I love this bike.
We popped out on Pomerado Rd and went over the I-15 to a park where we connected with our second SAG stop. There we waited a few minutes for a Rob Lindbloom, one of the radio contestants, and Mike Hower, Ride Leader, who had a flat. Only 20 miles left at this point.
As we started to head back to our starting point I notices a few less people in Group 3. Apparently some had taken a wrong turn in Ramona and skipped the around town section. As miles clicked by a few riders where starting to slow down. We did a lot of climbing and that depletes your energy especially if you don't eat and drink on the road. Mike Hower, Doctor Mike and I split up to work with small groups which had formed.
Back at the start I saw a lot of smiles. It was a challenge but everyone did great. See you next week.
1 comment:
Hi Mike,
It tough doing all the training indoors, but for now, that is how is has to be.
I mainly listen to the radio, but often I'm just thinking about all sorts of things.
I do much better on distance based rides than time based rides. The times based ones just kill me mentally. It can be so hard to realax and go easy for an hour. I'd much rather have a set milage to achieve, that way I get rewarded by pushing hard.
I use various feedback as well to help stay focused during the ride. Sometimes I use a HR monitor integrated w/my cycle computer & base my intervals on HR. Mainly I depend on mph & time to monitor myself...
Before I realized I could increase the resistance on my rollers, I tried to get it done as quick as possible. At one point, I cranked through an 82 mil ride in 4:40!
But then I realized my rollers were too easy, so I've been cranking them up, changing the resistance during the ride, trying hard to train my body.
Fortunate for me, I know exercise science, I know how to use intervals, I know the important of rest & recovery. The biggest challenge is having no clue what it is like to climb for long distances. We jusy don't have hills in miami... So I crank the resistance up & work in a hard gear...
feel free to drop me an email!
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