We, the Ride Leaders, are hosting an event on Oct 1st with the theme of Rendezvous in the Ranch. There will be wonderful food, wine, beer, silent auction, raffle, 50/50 drawing, etc. Rumor has it that some special guests will be in attendance who are well know cyclists and won the Tour de France...can't say any more than that. Tickets are $40 for 1 or $70 for 2. Preregister at http://qmdc.kintera.org/rancho.
For the radio contestants this Sunday we had another Immunity Quiz which was to name all the cities we will be staying in on our ride down the coast this coming Oct. And the winner
TT is a Time Trail which can be any length and cover a number of courses. A good local TT is Torrey Pines which we did at the beginning of this training. Not as many people showed up, around 28, but that's OK. This week is suppose to be a time in our training to take it down a notch, let your body recover before we increase the intensity again.
Alex Hamlow came out to ride this short course with us this week which was

After we had short ride up the coast for a total of 25 miles. It was a beautiful day. As I was chatting with people there were a lot of plans of heading to beach with family before school starts this week.
This week 2 more people will be eliminated from the contest with 6 remaining. The announcement should be on Wed between 6:15 and 6:45 AM on the Scott and BR Show. You can listen on AM XX1090 or catch it via the Internet.