First off I have to say Happy Holidays. We are so very fortunate to be were we are in life. We both have jobs, are healthy and have plenty of food on the table. But most importantly we have each other and a clan of family and friends. Add to that 2 dogs and a cat and life is just about as complete as it can be. Crystal and I hope everyone will have a wonder 2012.

Next I have to say I'm sorry for not writing anything in the blog. I had to take a bit of break for another issue that came up. I have very fair skin and because of that I get skin surface issues. The dermatologist found some skin cancer that he had to cut off my temple and cheek. I won't be seeing any modeling contracts in the near future but I think I was about done with that any way. Tom Cruise doesn't have to worry any more.

So the progress and recovery is coming along but has slowed some. I'm too the point where I'm mainly focusing on building back up the muscles, creating better balance and reducing the swelling. I've found that I can be working on these aspects of the recovery just about any where during my day. Today, as an example, while at the dog park I use the benches to do step ups, work on balance and do lunges while exercising the dogs. During the business day I meet with customers and while seated I'll bend the knee back under the chair to continue working on the flexibility. While driving back to San Diego from LA I can do isometric exercises by tightening the quad and hamstring muscles.

My biggest issue right now is swelling. The knee has less and less pain but the swelling from exercise and standing for 30 minutes or more is still there. Ice is still my best friend and something I'll be using for a while. Pain meds are still there but I'm off Percocet and now using Vicodin. Also, I go 6 to 8 hours between use. Getting away from drugs as soon as possible is very important to me. This body is a temple though I'm still not sure which religion it represents.
It's at this point that my mind starts to again say when will this end. It's good thing I've done this before. You want to believe at 7 weeks it's all good. I have to keep in mind that I had pieces of plastic drilled and pounded into my bones. That process puts a lot of stress on the muscles, nerves, and bones. They are going to sell and complain for a while. The more I move, the sooner these different parts of my body start to understand, adapt and over come.
Tomorrow I go out on the road and ride my bike on a flat course. Most likely it will be 5 to 10 miles down Miramar Rd if traffic is light. If not, then I'll take Kearney Villa Rd. Either way, I'm just testing the waters to see how my balance is and what type of strength I have in the quads and hamstrings. I'm looking forward to feeling that wind in my...helmet.
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