My flexibility or bend is now at 108. Up 3 degrees from last week. The knee still feels tight or swollen. It will take time to open up which is the slowest process. Icing helps to a degree but movement is the best medicine. Whenever I'm sitting in a chair I try and position the leg back beyond 90 degrees and hold it for a count of 10. The more I do this the quicker it will adjust.
We've added a lot of exercises to my routine which has upped the amount of time I spend each day to about 30 minutes each session. Some of the exercises are with weights of one or two pounds. I'm working just about every muscle in the leg; quads, hamstrings, calf, etc. I'm in 3 different positions now; floor, chair and standing. You really don't need anything special to do this at home. Towels, a chair, stairs, a few large books, etc, will be enough to complete the home therapy. I have purchased over time small items to create my own little gym: large exercise ball, balance circle, bands, and small ankle weights.
I happened to find an application for the iPad on line which covers a lot of what I am doing. It has little short cartoons demonstrating the exercises. The app is called Total Knee Replacement and costs .99 at the app store. There is all sorts of information and tools out there to help with the process.
Because I'm progressing so quickly Friday I start my physical therapy at Scripps Ranch Physical Therapy Clinic near my home. Normally this would have been another week out. I select this company because they have a focus on sports. I'm not just trying to walk again, I want to be able to return to many of the activities and sports I enjoy. I will spend my first day reviewing medical history, where I'm at and goals. By next week we'll be working that plan.
Sleeping at night has become more enjoyable as well. I can use many more positions now and not just sleep on my back. I'm using less and less ice during the night too which is helping with a solid night of rest. My muscle in the morning are very stiff and I have to start slow letting them warm up. They feel like cramps which is from the trauma, therapy and icing.
This past weekend Crystal and I did some shopping together and she even let me drive the car a short distance to see how things were going. We were out a good 3 hours in total. I did just fine and think I'll be able to get on the road for longer distances in a few weeks. I first have to be off some of the stronger medications before I drive farther than a few blocks.
I'm really, really happy with my progress and think I'm moving faster because I know what to expect and how far I can push it. Experience sometimes is the best teacher.
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