Peace is that part of Harmony that allows me to focus and move forward with goals. I truly believe in finding things in life that help keep balance and calmness is essential to my well being. I'm not a Buddhist but the picture above depicts a small shrine I created in our yard. Every other day or so I move the stones around to my liking. I create the look that works for me and this relates to how I shape the paths in my life. I take the path that leads to the results I'm looking for.
Last week was monumental in regards to the progress I'm having with my TKR recovery and rehab. I hit two big goals that I had not expected to see so quickly. But before I go there I want to give thanks for several things in my life during this time of Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving is a holiday my wife and I try to spend with family or friends and this year we were able to celebrate it in our home with a 2nd cousin who had moved into town with her husband and another friend who is here without family. So we're thankful for the opportunity to share this season with family and friends. I'm also thankful for the health I have and a body that is responding quickly after Total Knee Replacement. At this point in my life journey it's something I need to be focused on and am grateful I have the support of a wonderful and loving wife. It's definitely a team effort and it would be more challenging without her help.
So how is the recovery coming along? The progress over the last 3 weeks is nothing short of a miracle. Why? By all accounts and compared to last years replacement I shouldn't be able to walk without support, make full rotation on a bike, or have the flexibility I do. Let me break each of those down.
On Friday I met with my outside Physical Therapist Todd, over at Scripps Ranch Physical Therapy. Great place by the way. We discussed my progress and goals. He took some measurements and had me perform some things. Bending my knee was up to 117 degrees. Goal is 130 so we are not far off. The hyper extension was good and almost touching the ground in the center of the knee joint. Perfect.
He gave me a few new stretching movements and exercises to work on at home. Lastly he had me get on the stationary bike. I did 10 minutes no resistance and full rotation. This was a first so far. Up to this point I was doing 1/2 turns. Last TKR is was a month and half before I did this. Three weeks is way ahead of schedule.

My plan was to walk as far as I felt comfortable and then cut back as needed. The loop is about 1 1/2 miles and there are paths that allow you to cut it short. The dogs love this because they can be off leash along with interaction with other canines. At the half way point we give them water and Crystal asked how I was doing. I could feel my knee tightening up but I wasn't in too much pain. We pushed on and completed the loop. Here is a picture of my knees. As you can see the right side, as you face the picture, is swollen but to be expec
ted. I was able to drive home and upon arrival immediately put ice on it. Did it bet but that's part of the process. Icing and medications help to push beyond those points so I can move forward with my recovery.
So two goals are accomplished, over a mile walk and full rotation on the bike. I'm not putting these goals out there and being disappointed if I don't make them by a certain time. Goals help me stay on track and reach beyond what I think I can sometimes do. Writing them down gives me a vision. I'm extremely happy with my progress and even more encouraged to keep doing what I'm doing.
HOLD THE PRESSES: I was working on this Blog earlier today with plans to review it again this evening before posting. Between this morning and this evening I had a PT session and came away with another completed goal. During these sessions there is some hands on with the physical therapist as he pushes and pulls on my new joint. He then will measure and record my progress. He measured a 130 degrees bend today which is where my other knee is. Unheard of to have that much movement in so little time. Just one more thing to be thankful for this year.