Some might think that it wouldn't be new or different for me or many others who have done it in the past but in reality, each program has it's own flavor and flare.
The first year I participated a big part for me was focused on the Radio Contest with XX1090 the Scott and BR show. What an experience. I was unfamiliar with CAF, didn't have any idea what the contest was about or how to win. I ended with not only winning but being able to raise over $12K to help others. I also learned how to create a blog and put on a huge fund raising event.
2009 brought the responsibilities of a Ride Leader and Radio Contest coordinator. The Ride Leader role I was familiar with after 15 programs with Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and several years assisting with the Trek Century Training Program. But the Radio Contest coordinator didn't have a job description. I kind of made it up as I went along. We ended up taking 7 contestants along with the winner Adam Beck on that ride.

Last year we rain and mud was sticks in every ones mind coming down the coast. It rain...a lot but was one of he safest programs to date with very few serious injuries. Though we didn't see sun every day the rain did bring about a time to share in the cold, dirty and wet conditions that often bring people closer. I also had knee replacement earlier that year which pushed me to, in a sense, become a challenged athletes. I had train that much harder to get ready.
Fast forward to 2011. It's a new year and the program sold out within months of starting the training. In years past it was usually by mid program that would happen. Tells you that everyone is excited and looking forward to the ride. As a Ride Leader again I'm working with 3 fantastic people on a Fund Raising Event...Epic FundRaiser. Adam Beck radio contestant winner and 2nd year Ride Leader, Brian Brillo, radio contestant and 3 year event participants along with Ginger Crutchfield a cycling coach and long time LLS coach and mentor.
I see this year as a adventure with new faces, different challenges and the opportunity to experience something different. I won't compare it to past events...that's not fair. Sure we'll ride the same or similar routes but for many, it will be brand new. I want them to experience that. We're already training with two tandems which is something we haven't seen much of in past programs.
Most of all I welcome the opportunity to be a part of something that is bigger than I and is making some kind of impact on the world. If I leave this life and that is all I'm remembered for then I think I have accomplished what I put on earth for...Finding Ways to Help Others.
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