Because I was the winner from last years Radio Contest I've been asked by XX1090 to help organize the riders in this year contest. I also was asked by CAF to be a Ride Leader for the event. Plus I have the Trek program but we scaled that back some to every 3 or 4 weeks with a destination ride (Brent and I needed a breather). I've also become a coach with Wenzel Coaching where I work with beginner and advancing cyclists. I also still have my day job, thank God, that has more territory to cover than last year, 13 states compared to 4 (we had a lay off a few months back of about 8% of the company).
But I'm not complaining. On the contrary, I think I feel better about life when the pressure is on. I'm more focused and ensure I squeeze each second out of each day.
This week we have our first QMDC training ride with the new contestants. We started with 30 but have already lost one person so we really have 29. I know at least 4 people won't be at this first ride due to other commitments. I'm already fielding emails and calls from them asking what this is all about. I'm being honest with them all and trying to guide them for the best chance to make it to the end. It's going to be interesting.
One more thing...life is good and I have a wonder wife. I was inducted into my companies Presidents Club last year, 2008, because of my high sales of HP products in the area I cover. The prize was a trip to Aruba with Crystal where we had 3 wonderful days together. After 23 years of marriage it is still a fantastic relationship. I'm very blessed and can't imagine what my life would be without her.
Keep watching. There will be plenty more details to follow on this years adventure.
1 comment:
Nice seeing the updates Mike! Hope to see you guys out on the road someday.
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