Sunday, June 28, 2009
Wheels On Wheels

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Give and Receive Gifts

I'm a very lucky and blessed person and extremely proud of the people I've connected with in life. My hope is that I can pass along something in each of those encounters that helps that individual in some way shape or form. Tom Freese has that same philosophy and I'm fortunate to have him as a friend.
Monday, June 22, 2009
XX1090 Contestant 3rd Ride

Monday, June 15, 2009
2nd Radio Contest Ride

Monday, June 8, 2009
First Radio Ride
We met at Flower Hill, checked in the Radio Contestants and had our first ride up the coast to Oceanside this past Sunday, about 40 miles. A total of 17 people from the contest showed up of the 30 selected. 8 people I knew would not be at the ride so leaves 5 people who...well, not sure what is going on with them.
Scott Kaplan, XX1090, had a moment to provide some words to the group gathered. I think in total there were about 75 participants from the QMDC and Radio Contestants on the ride yesterday.
There was one unfortunate accident. BR, Scott's partner on the show, came out to ride with us. Now, he's not a guy who doesn't put in a lot of miles on a regular basis which was evident by his gym shorts and T-shirt (we quickly outfitted him with the XX1090 QMDC jersey). However, he's had his leg over the top bar of the bike a few times and can hold his own.
Now I don't have all of the story but at some point...he fell and put a nice hole in the side of his calf. According to the description there was a lot of blood but it wasn't serious. As soon as I can get my hands on some photos I'll put them up here. The good news is he will be joining us on most of the ride down the coast in Oct. He's going to jump in on our longest day, 120 plus miles.
By the way...take a moment and make a donation. There is a link on the top right side of this blod to the CAF site. Times are hard so $20 is great, more is fantastic if you can.
Some of the radio contestants from last year came out to ride this past weekend. Michael Pierce, also known as Antarctic Mike, was on hand. Tomorrow morning, Tuesday, he will be in the pool with a goal to complete 62 miles in one full day. He's raising funds for CAF and Great Friends Foundation Check him out at: http://www.antarcticmike.com/. Want to get motivated...watch his video clip. Now...get out and do something.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
It's a New Year and a New Program