The protocol is to start physical therapy (PT) immediately so the day after, Tuesday, I was already lifting my leg up in the air. Everything I read and all the information I was provided indicated that this was going to be a long and hard process. At this point, into week 4, I look back and can see a lot of progress.
After leaving the hospital right away I started to work with a in-home PT person 3 times a week. Barb was her name. She started me with some basic exercises and stretches in various positions. Each time she would add either repetitions and or additional exercises. At first it would take me about 15 minutes to complete everything. Now it's up to about an hour.
It's hard and painful work. 1) The goal is to gain back flexibility in the knee. 2) The other goal is to gain strength. The flexibility is the most painful part and I've come to understand two different types of pain. Think of it this way. One pain is associated with a cut on your hand. It stings and is painful as it heals. The other pain is more from the use of muscle and building up of lactic acid. Just moving my knee I have the first pain but it has dissipated some over time. Still taking some meds but have reduce them considerably and am almost to over the counter stuff like Aleve only.
The stitches came out at week two. I can now ascend and descend stairs without the use of the railing. I started to drive this week and my walk is very normal. All in all I feel pretty good about where I'm at. Next week I have me 4 week checkup with Dr Copp my orthopedic. I'm very excited about hearing how things are coming along. I will be really happy when I can start pedalling again. I won't be out on the road real soon but if I can do stationary riding, that will really brighten my day.