Sunday, Sept 6th - Over the years I can't even count the number of times I have worked on programs with different organizations.
LLS at least 13,
Trek Century Training Program 7 or more,
CAF into my second event and so on. The one thing I've learned is I can never compare it to the last experience. What I mean is that each is unique and will always have it's own special...feeling.
Last year this experience was filled with wonder for me. The
XX1090 contest forced me to step out of my comfort zone and try some new things. At the same time I pushed my riding experience and weekly would hang with Group 2 at a pace of 18 to 22 MPH on average. This was after riding the day before with Trek. I was easily putting in 250 mile weeks for almost 3 months straight. I learned to blog, put on a huge fund raising event and raised a lot of awareness for CAF. Even if I hadn't won the contest I walked away a better person for the experience.
As I look at the contests who are in this years XX1090
Scott and BR contest I really hope that they too, with each step, savore the experience. If the words I read in their blogs, the comments they are making and the expressions on their faces is any indication then I think they are enjoying the ride.

Everyone wants to win but in reality it's not about winning, it's about helpings someone else. I was explaining this to another rider this weekend that one of the most memorable experiences I had last year was on the last day of the ride as we headed into La Jolla. We had come to the base of Torrey Pines which is a mile plus climb at 5 to 6 percent grade. Anthony Smith, a Challenged Athlete who had just started riding a few months prior, was starting up it. He weighs in at around 235, has half an arm, and can hardly use his right leg due to an
IED. Because he can barely use one side of his body it was an extraordinarily hard climb for him but several of us took turns providing assistance by riding next to him and putting one hand on his back. I started to cry, as I am now, from that experience. That is the essence of what I hope inspires this years contestants and all the participants in
OK, back to the present. This week we had the final 6 select a water bottle out of a bag. On

e of the bottles contained Immunity. Joy picked the right bottle...but it wasn't over. Her task was to give it to someone else. Adam Beck, last weeks winner, was the person she passed it to. Here is a picture of Adams additions to the Immunity Pump from the previous week. Adam is a testicular cancer survivor, like myself, and has to supplement his system with testosterone. Hence the Hulk theme carrying the XX1090 and CAF flags. Very creative. Scott Kaplan was on hand this week and enjoyed the new touches.
We had an easy ride into Elfin Forest. This is a beautiful route and since they have re-paved the street it's smooth as a babies bottom. I heard so many riders say 40 miles, 2500 feet of climbing... No problem. That was easy. 7 weeks ago they we're coming back in after a ride like that almost crying. See what a little training does.
Lots of events coming up. Check out the
contestants sites and blogs on XX1090 for details, locations, and costs. Our Ride Leader event Rendezvous in the Ranch date has changed to Oct 1st. Great food, drink and fantastic items in our Silent Auction, Raffle, 50/50 and Opportunity Drawing. Details at the top on the left. Hope to see you there.